Are you someone who has decided to look after your plumbing system but not sure of exactly where to start from? 

To start with, it is important to gain some basic knowledge related to plumbing terminology as well as some common plumbing issues that you may encounter on a day-to-day basis. 

With the help of this blog, you will be able to gain this basic knowledge and awareness in no time.

Important Terminology Related to Plumbing

This blog has got you covered no matter if you are taking a plumbing project all by yourself or want to know the terminology that your plumber is using.

Out of all the popular plumbing terms, the first thing that you need to understand is the plumbing material that you are going to use for your project. Out of all the materials available in the market, stainless steel is gaining popularity among the masses as people are becoming more aware of the cons of plastic plumbing about how it is affecting our health. Using stainless steel pipes has many benefits. Rhinox manufactures stainless steel pipes and SS plumbing fittings using the finest grades of stainless steel. Stainless steel plumbing is known for being durable, hygienic, corrosion-resistant, temperature-resistant, 100% recyclable and sustainable. With SS plumbing fittings you can enjoy the experience of hassle-free and leak-proof plumbing and can stay away from all the plumbing nightmares. 

Following are some plumbing terms that can prove to be useful for you:

  1. Low-Flow

Low-flow is referred to as a fixture that is known for producing lower flow of water. If you are looking to make your house energy-efficient, this is something that you need to know about.

  1. Flow Rate

Flow rate is referred to as the amount of water that is flowing through your plumbing system in a given point of time. The flow rate is measured in gallons per minute or per hour.

  1. Shut off Valve

Shut off valve is utilized during the process of repairs or maintenance. You need to shut the valve off in order to stop the flow of water. Shut off valve is commonly located either under your toilet or under your sink.

  1. Septic Tank

If you reside in an area where there is no sewer system, you may have to depend on a septic tank. A septic tank is referred to as an underground chamber that helps in filtering out solids from the water. This water is further treated to make it safe for the purpose of utilization. 

Some Plumbing Tips That You Must Follow

  1. Take Care of Your Kitchen’s Sink Drain

Just like your toilets, your kitchen’s sink is designed to accommodate only some particular materials. You need to be aware that things like oil and grounds of coffee do not go down your kitchen’s sink drain.

  1. Always Look Out For Leaks

You need to check signs of rust and leakages by keeping an eye on your pipes and faucets on a day-to-day basis. If you witness any signs, you need to treat them as soon as possible in order to avoid major problems at a later stage. In addition to this, you must know the location of your shut-off valve so that you can switch it off during repairs and maintenance. In order to prevent issues related to rust, you can switch from galvanized plumbing to stainless steel plumbing as stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion. For leak proof plumbing, SS plumbing fittings and stainless steel pipes are an absolute choice.

  1. Don’t Forget to Pump Out Your Septic Tank on Regular Basis

On the basis of your utilization, you need to pump your tank on a regular basis. You can also keep a record of the repairs, maintenance, inspections and pumping. 

By keeping all the above terminologies and general tips in mind can help in preventing plumbing issues. If you are not sure of which plumbing material to go for, turn to our plumbing experts to get a fast, durable and most effective plumbing solution.

For more information, visit our website:


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