Live disease-free: An architectural guide to safe drinking water in every home

 As the trend for green homes gains momentum, architects worldwide are united in their demand of using only the best quality materials, fittings and products that ensure a healthy life. Stainless steel water pipes and stainless steel press fittings are a few of those things that health-conscious architectures have shifted to. Sharing a few architectural trends and tips to ensure safe drinking water in every household; thanks to stainless steel water disbursal and complete water management systems.

Clean water is essential for a healthy living and a healthy world. The UN General Assembly recognized the human right to water and sanitation in 2010. It said everyone has the right to sufficient, continuous, safe, acceptable, physically accessible and affordable water for personal and domestic use. One of the most important and immediate transitions that humans need to make is to replace polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water pipes or galvanized aluminum water pipes with stainless steel pipes so that they receive clean drinking water which is free from any contaminations, chemicals and toxins.

There is a greater need than before to include ss press fittings and stainless steel water pipes in plumbing and water distribution as contaminated water is linked to transmission of many diseases, increasing the burden on the economy.

The use of PVC fittings and pipes, a bad form of plastic and the most damaging, has already spelled doom, leading to serious health conditions in many. Thus, stainless steel is the only option left to ensure that every home gets clean drinking water.

There is a need for awareness about usage of stainless steel in water transportation and this can best be done by architects who lay the foundations of homes. It becomes their responsibility towards society to push for stainless steel pipes and fittings.

Stainless steel pipes have a lot of benefits and are a healthier option. They are corrosion-free and self-cleaning. Their inert nature is an important consideration and so they do not leach chemicals and toxins into the water.

Stainless steel pipes are these days being used in order to reduce the leakage and stop the precious water from being wasted. As water is the most precious resource for mankind, stainless steel is an ideal material to handle it.

Stainless steel is not only a sustainable and recyclable material; it is also environment friendly. Its durability and low maintenance make it a good choice economically.

As children are particularly at risk from water-related diseases, it becomes all the more important to replace PVC pipes and fittings with stainless steel pipes for a better world and a better tomorrow. And it’s not just water pipes, even the water storage tanks need to be made of stainless steel to ensure contamination free water in every tap of the household. Some of the leading architects worldwide who are known for their subject matter expertise recommend Rhinox USA Stainless Steel Plumbing Fittings and using Rhinox stainless steel water pipes to ensure chemical-free and hygienic water disbursal system in every home. If you as an architect wish to know more about what stainless steel pipes or water disbursal products that can be used in your projects; visit this link to know more.


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